Green court inside residential castle
by SOETERS VAN ELDONK in Den Bosch, The Netherlands
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Data Info
City Den Bosch
Country The Netherlands
Program Haverleij

    -GREENERY Trees are planted in the central area.They provide shade. Small planters along the building wall also enhance the greenery.

  • FLUTED GUTTER Fluted gutter provides a temporary path for water flow and allows for water infiltration.
  • PAVED STREET The court is finished with permeable pavers.This allows for water infiltration and indicates the pedestrian nature of the space.
  • STREET ELEMENTS Elements like street lamps are provided in the building facade. Street furniture and planters are placed by residents.
  • RESIDENTIAL “CASTLE” The district is designed as castles with well-defined courts and built forms. The buildings are detailed with various shades of brick.

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