Residential street with nature trail
by GERME&JAM in Bretigny-sur-orge, France
Details   Views:  18
Data Info
City Bretigny-sur-orge
Country France
Program Clause Bois Badeau

    -RESIDENTIAL LANE A narrow lane has been provided along the homes for slow vehicular movement & street parking

  • RAINWATER MANAGEMENT Raingardens or bioretention planters have designed for water infiltration in this low permeability terrain
  • NATURE TRAIL A well protected pedestrian path with trees and park benches offers a park-like trail for residents
  • PUBLIC AMENITIES Amenities like segregated waste bins and cycle racks can be found at intervals
  • GARDEN CITY The project aims to integrate landscape throughout, creating a green urban environment, taking inspiration from the nearby countryside

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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