Sustainable Plaza
by DIAMOND DEVELOPERS in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Details   Views:  55
Data Info
City Dubai
Country United Arab Emirates
Program Sustainable City
    -PEDESTRIAN PLAZA A public pedestrian plaza with mixed-uses such as commercial, offices and civic facilities. -PRODUCTIVE LANDSCAPE Fruit trees like date palms are planted throughout. They are pollinated , their fruit is harvested and used by residents. -WATER FEATURE A central water fountain forms the focal point in the square -ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Cooling towers have been provided all along the plaza with seating under underneath. They provide a cooler environment for outdoor activity. -SUNKEN SQUARE A sunken central square forms the common space for the entire plaza. It can host small events. -Urban seating has been provided around planters. -Shading structures provide shade from harsh desert sun -ACTIVE GROUND FLOOR Ground floor has retail, F&B programmes with open frontages
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