Pedestrian Plaza inspired by an oasis
by HENNING LARSEN in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Data Info
City Riyadh
Country Saudi Arabia
Program King Abdullah Financial District

    -PEDESTRIAN PLAZA A pedestrian plaza is designed at the center of the district connecting the various high-rise buildings.

  • RECREATIONAL LAWN A sprawling lawn provides a cool place for picnics and relaxation.
  • PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES A network of footbridges and ventilated skybridges provide pedestrian connectivity across buildings
  • BIPV FACADES Building integrated photovoltaic panels help harness energy of the desert sun while also helping in cooling the building interior.
  • OASIS AS INSPIRATION An existing Wadi(oasis/riverbed) forms the starting point for the branching green landscape of the district.
  • 24/7 ECOSYSTEM The ground floor and plaza have been activated with F&B , retail and commercial spaces to create a 24/7 ecosystem.

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