Car-free Street in a low-rise district
by - in Den Haag, The Netherlands
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Data Info
Author -
City Den Haag
Country The Netherlands
Program Ypenburg Den Haag

    -COMMUNITY STREET The linear green yard is a shared green space for the rowhouses. It features lights, play equipment and trees. It forms a place for play and interaction for the residents.

  • LOW-RISE DISTRICT The buildings in the district are low-rise. This combined with vast green spaces creates a village-like atmosphere.
  • SEMI-PRIVATE FRONT PORCH The front porches open out to the central green. A short wall creates a niche for keeping plants and furniture.
  • REDUCED HEAT ISLAND The use of softscape and permeable paving allows for water infiltration and reduces heat island effect.
  • CAR-FREE STREET The street is only for pedestrians. A few parking spaces adjacent to it are seperated by a protective metal barrier.

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