Pedestrian street with human-scale greenery
by MVRDV in Leyden, The Netherlands
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Data Info
Author MVRDV
City Leyden
Country The Netherlands
Program Nieuw Leyden

    -PEDESTRIAN STREET The East-West streets in this locale are car-free. They act as corridors of activity

  • SAFE AND LIVELY LOCALE The homes open out to the pedestrian street at the ground floor. Windows and balconies also open out to the street , creating visual connectivity.
  • SEMI-PRIVATE FRONTYARD These areas have been adapted for different uses by the residents. While some provide a bench for rest, others act as cycle parking .
  • LOW-RISE DISTRICT The district is designed with low-rise buildings and volumes , especially along the pedestrian corridors, creating a human-sclaed neighbourhood
  • HUMAN-SCALED GREENERY Patches of green are planned on either side of the street , thus dividing it into a central walking lane with semi-private frontyards of the homes on either side.
  • LIGHTER PAVEMENT The use of light-coloured pavement helps increase reflectivity and reduces heat island effect

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The street is a part of this masterplan
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