Net-Zero street with scalable saline urban farm
by URB in Kuwait, Kuwait
Details   Views:  18
Data Info
Author URB
City Kuwait
Country Kuwait
Program XZero City

    -ZERO CARBON CITY 65% of area is landscape. The landscape is designed as a carbon “sink” that reduces the carbon footprint of the district

  • DESIGNATED CYCLE AND RUNNING TRACKS 35 km of cycle and running tracks across the entire district, encourages healthy living.
  • GREEN TRANSPORT Mobility networks incorporate walkable connections as well as green transport such as electric buggies.
  • RESILIENT LANDSCAPE Xeriscapes have been designed with low-maintenance local plant species that are drought resistant
  • PRODUCTIVE LANDSCAPE High-tech scalable Food-Energy-Water + Waste Nexus urban farming using saline water

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The street is a part of this masterplan
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