Community Courtyard with unique paving
by DE ARCHITEKTEN CIE in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Data Info
City Amsterdam
Country The Netherlands
Program Funenpark

    -COMMUNITY COURTYARD The courtyard connects all the building blocks, there are no private gardens within the locality.The ground floors have direct access to the courtyard

  • CAR-FREE LOCALITY All of the vehicular parking is planned underground, creating a safe pedestrian area within.
  • GREENERY Trees and plants are planted in green patches amidst the pavement creating serene pockets
  • CREATING AN IDENTITY THROUGH MATERIALS The unique 5 sided flagstone pavement creates a unified courtyard
  • SIGNAGE Signage depicting the locality’s plan helps create an inviting area for visitors
  • CHILD- FRIENDLY Shaded green islands create areas for play and leisure
  • EYES ON THE STREET Building fenestrations open out to the courtyard providing visibility of the activities outside

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