Village green in a sustainable community
by HTA in Dorset, Uk
Details   Views:  49
Data Info
Author HTA
City Dorset
Country Uk
Program Officer's Field

    -VILLAGE GREEN A large green courtyard lies at the heart of the district. It provides a flexible area for play and interactions.

  • PEDESTRIAN REFUGE A pedestrian square with a communal garden and seating creates a quiet space amidst the large green area.
  • LOCAL FLORA Local species of flowering plants and shrubs create a natural landscape setting, while reducing maintenance
  • SUSTAINABLE VILLAGE Various sustainable strategies such as biomass district heating and rainwater harvestinghave been implmented.A well-thought out public realm helps in social sustainability
  • MIXED HOUSING TYPOLOGIES A mix of housing typlogies can be seen in the district. This helps to create a community of people from various backgrounds.

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