Pedestrian Mall in a Post War A-B-C Town
by SVEN MARKELIUS in Stockholm, Sweden
Details   Views:  21
Data Info
City Stockholm
Country Sweden
Program Vallingby

    -1950’s PEDESTRIAN MALL This pedestrian “mall” was designed in the 1950’s. It has a large plaza surrounded by retail and commercial spaces.

  • “CENTRUM” OF AN A-B-C TOWN The A-B-C concept refers to neighborhoods that provided Arbete-Bostad-Centrum (Work-Dwelling-Centre).The centrum acted as a commercial and transport hub. A subway line runs below this pedestrian mall.
  • RETRO BUILDINGS The buildings in the plaza have been preserved in their original form complete with signage, creating a nostalgic image.
  • WALKABLE Pathways from the mall lead to the surrounding residential areas without having to cross vehicular traffic.
  • CIRCLE CONCEPT The circle motif used for the plaza paving is mirrored through the large circular water fountains, which act as focal points.
  • HUMAN-SCALE AMIDST TOWERS The center of the town had the highest towers with heights reducing outwards. However the mall area is low-rise to maintain human-scale.

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