Child-friendly street in a pocket neighbourhood
by WENK ARCHITECTS in Denver, Usa
Details   Views:  28
Data Info
City Denver
Country Usa
Program Aria Denver

    -POCKET NEIGHBOURHOOD Shared outdoor spaces used and maintained by the residents as a community.

  • IMPROVING PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY The streets aim to act as trails and walkways that better connect the surrounding neighbourhood
  • PERMACULTURE GARDEN Sustainable method of gardening through organic methods. It also involves planting to serve multiple purposes such as food, habitat for wildlife etc.
  • LID TECHNIQUES Low Impact Development techniques such as drought-resistant landscaping and infiltration trenches are used to manage stormwater run-off within the site
  • CHILD-FRIENDLY There are no private yards, the homes open out to a linear park which features lawns and landscape that can be used for play .

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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