Shared residential street along a green park
by ZWISCHENRÄUME in Poing, Germany
Details   Views:  26
Data Info
City Poing
Country Germany
Program Poing am Berfeld

    -SHARED STREET The N-S street connects the entire district.Staggered planters & narrow road width ensure pedestrian priority.

  • GREEN SQUARE Rectilinear green squares are planned with greenery and pedestrian paths.They act as green connections between the building rows.
  • CYCLIST FRIENDLY Sidewalks are flush with the road, differentiated by material, creating a flexible pedestrian are as well as cycling lane.
  • LIGHT PAVEMENT The shared street is paved with light coloured pavers. This reduces heat-island effect while allowing water infiltration.
  • LOW-RISE DISTRICT The development consists of rowhouses connected by a green network of private gardens and public squares

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The street is a part of this masterplan
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