Shared Residential Alley in a high density district
by STUDIO WOODROFFE PAPA in Vijfhuizen, The Netherlands
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Data Info
City Vijfhuizen
Country The Netherlands
Program Bloembollenhof

    -SHARED RESIDENTIAL ALLEY The low volume and slow traffic alley connects the various residences, while being a pedestrian dominant street.It has a narrow width and is paved throughout.

  • STAGGERED LAYOUT The district has been planned as a staggered layout of housing and open spaces like backyards and squares.
  • PERMEABLE ROAD All the streets are laid with permeable grass pavers which allow water infiltration and reduce heat island effect.
  • COMPACT HIGH DENSITY DISTRICT The district was designed with a high density of various housing typologies to recreate a village setting. STREET LIGHTING Ample street lights have been provided along the alleys to maintain the safety of the residents

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