Reinforcing local identity in a historic town center
by No author in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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Data Info
Author No author
City Rotterdam
Country The Netherlands
Program Spijkenisse

    -PEDESTRIAN-FRIENDLY STREET The street is completely paved indicating pedestrian priority. Narrow width and low speed limits help in improving safety.

  • BUILDING INTEGRATED STREET ELEMENTS Elements like street lights and planters are integrated into building facades.This keeps the sidewalks free from obstructions.
  • LOCAL IDENTITY The town center is being re-designed to improve the sense of identity in the area. Commercial and cultural spaces are being developed.
  • ACTIVATED GROUND FLOOR The ground floor of the buildings have glass fronts and have been activated with commercial & retail spaces.
  • SOFT MOBILITY STREET The smaller side streets are pedestrian. Retractable bollards are used to prevent vehicles while allowing for emergency vehicles.

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The street is a part of this masterplan
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