Waterfront promenade with recreational lawn
by FOSTER + PARTNERS in Hong Kong, China
Details   Views:  52
Data Info
City Hong Kong
Country China
Program West Kowloon Cultural District

    -WATERFRONT PROMENADE The wide promenade is paved throughout encouraging pedestrian activity.

  • PUBLIC SEATING Built-in public seating is provided along the promenade.It is shaded by the overhead walkway structure
  • MULTI-LEVEL WALKWAY Walkways run at different levels creating an interesting streetscape with varied views towards the ocean.
  • URBAN ELEMENTS Step lights and gutters are integrated into the hardscape, creating a barrier-free zone
  • RECREATIONAL LAWN The lawn between the 2 walking lanes provides an ideal area for family picnics.
  • WATERSIDE SEATING Low linear built-in seating allows visitors to enjoy the sea view

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