Blue-green promenade with a connection to a river
by AXE SAôNE in Vichy, France
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Author AXE SAôNE
City Vichy
Country France
Program Ecoquartier des Rives du Lac

    -PEDESTRIAN PROMENADE Wide pedestrian promenades run through the district encourgaing soft mobility. Ample trees would be planted to provide shade.

  • MIX OF MODULAR HOUSING The housing typlogies would be of modular construction , with varied types. This would encourage a social mix of residents.
  • CONNECTION TO RIVER Landscaped paths and water bodies lead to the adjacent the Allier River. They create an identity for the riverside development.
  • ACCESSIBLE ROOFTOP Accessible rooftops with roof gardens act as important social spaces, creating an additional layer to the lively street.
  • ACTIVATED GROUND FLOOR Ground floors have areas for social interaction and gatherings amongst residents, creating a lively street.
  • WSUD The water bodies also act as stormwater catchments for the district. They provide habitats for local wildlife,

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