Nautical Street with boat docks
by WEST 8 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Author WEST 8
City Amsterdam
Country The Netherlands
Program Borneo Sporenburg

    -WATERFRONT NEIGHBOURHOOD Borneo Sporenburg was designed on existing piers creating a unique waterfront neighbourhood

  • RAISED DECK WITH A VIEW Raised deck provides area for gatherings and interaction. The area below is used as cycle parking
  • PEDESTRIAN-FRIENDLY The street is finished with pavers and the vehicular lane is narrow. The sidewalk is of equal width as the vehicular road
  • GREEN SCREEN Small patches of soil enable growth of short trees and shrubs , providing some privacy for the private decks
  • LOW-RISE RESIDENCES Low-rise residences create a human-scale neighbourhood
  • PARKING LANE A parking lane is provided at one side with avenue tree planting
  • NAUTICAL LANE The street opens out to the sea on one side where residents dock their boats.

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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