Residential street in agrarian eco-village
by PHILLIPE MADEC in Val-de-reuil, France
Details   Views:  19
Data Info
City Val-de-reuil
Country France
Program DES NOÉS

    -ECO-VILLAGE The district is centred around village living with various spaces for agriculture. Water management thorugh natural methods and eco-friendly practices have also been adopted.

  • PASSIVE HOUSES The homes are south-facing to take advantage of the heat. Solar panels further help in storing energy.
  • RESIDENTIAL STREET The residences are provided with a spacious yard that overlooks the street. The sidewalk is well-protected from vehicular circulation by a green patch.
  • BIODIVERSITY The landscape was designed with local flora , so as to provide habitats for local wildlife.
  • SHARED GARDENS Shared gardens can be found near every residential cluster. They would create a unifying element that will encourage residents to interact while also being productive

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