Safe courtyard with community glasshouse
by SJOERD SOETERS, ARKITEMA in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Data Info
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Program Sluseholmen

    -SAFE COURTYARD The courtyard is designed with a lawn and plants with less foliage, This creates a safe space with not many blindspots. It is for use by pedestrians only.

  • RECREATIONAL LAWN The undulating lawn along with a sand pit creates an area for social interactions, popular with adults and children alike.
  • SOFT MOBILITY Good pedestrian connectivity encourages use of soft mobility such as bicycles and cargo bikes.
  • SEMI-PRIVATE PORCHES The homes on the ground floor have open porches facing the courtyard. This provides opportunities for interactions amongst the residents.
  • COMMUNITY PATIOS Glasshouses within these courtyards provide a cosy setting for small gatherings and events amidst a lush green landscape.

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