Shared residential street in a eco-district
by PETRI LAAKSONEN in Helsinki, Finland
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Data Info
City Helsinki
Country Finland
Program Eko Viiki

    -SHARED RESIDENTIAL STREET The narrow streets are designed for low vehicular volume with pedestrian priority. Majority of the parking spaces are seperated from homes.

  • PERMEABLE ROAD All the roads are paved, making them permeable and allowing water infiltration. They also reduce heat-island effect.
  • TREE GRILLES Tree grilles are used to protect the trees from being windswept & prevent compaction of soil.
  • CYCLE SHEDS Small community sheds are provided for parking of soft mobility vehicles.
  • PASSIVE SOLAR HOMES Most of the homes have south-facing balconies and conservatories that helps in heating the home.

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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