Community courtyard in Co-Housing
by - in Deventer, The Netherlands
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Data Info
Author -
City Deventer
Country The Netherlands
Program Centraal Wonen Deventer

    -SOCIAL COURTYARD The cohousing encourages The creation of a close-knit community. Residents are encouraged to not just interact but also do everyday tasks such as cooking & dining together.

  • SOLAR POWERED All The rooftops are fitted with SOLAR panels which generate electricity.
  • COLLECTIVE HOUSING This is a co-HOUSING community where Residents have access to shared facilities like This courtyard. All The houses have windows and balconies that open out to This yard.
  • OUTDOOR LIVING ROOM The COURTYARD is furnished with shared furniture. These OUTDOOR “rooms” are used by Residents and foster a sense of community.
  • CHILD-FRIENDLY The community COURTYARD is provided with various play equipment made with wooden logs.

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