Child-friendly linear street park
by JEAN-FRANçOIS REVERT in Nantes, France
Details   Views:  27
Data Info
City Nantes
Country France
Program Vallon Des Dervallieres

    -LINEAR STREET PARK A stepped linear park has been planned along the sloping road , creating areas for play, interaction and community gardening.

  • COMMUNITY GARDEN Large green spaces provide space for community gardens
  • PUBLIC CYCLE RACKS Cycle racks are provided along the road
  • PUBLIC AMPHITHEATRE Gabion walls have been used to create an amphitheatre integrated within the landscape. It can be used by the community for gatherings.
  • MATERIALITY Paving stones at the crossing as well as along the corner kerb help indicate pedestrian zones SEAMLESS CORNER The sidewalk at the street corner is flush with the road it allows for easy movement of bicycles and also improves accessibility

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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