Residential boulevard with activated median
by JUURLINK[+]GELUK in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Details   Views:  26
Data Info
City Eindhoven
Country The Netherlands
Program Waterrijk Meerhoven

    -FOREST IN A CITY 50 metre wide strips of forested area have been planted . They seperate the district into various zones.

  • ACTIVATED CENTRAL MEDIAN The median is activated with trees and a cycle track, making it a central corridor in the district
  • SCENIC “ROOMS” The scenic “room” zone contains detached housing units that open out into the dense forested area , creating a close connection with nature
  • KERB CUT Kerb cuts are provided at intersections for cyclists and to improve accessibility.
  • PEDESTRIAN REFUGE Road crossing is provided within the median, making it safer for cyclists & pedestrians to cross the road
  • PROTECTED CYCLE LANE The cycle lane runs across the entrire district. It is well protected from vehicular traffic.

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