Residential Street with a roadside playground
by PROCTOR & MATTHEWS in Cambridge, Uk
Details   Views:  16
Data Info
City Cambridge
Country Uk
Program Abode

    -RESIDENTIAL STREET Narrow vehicular roads encourage slow traffic within the district. A wide sidewalk accomodates both pedestrians and cyclists.

  • CHILD-FRIENDLY A roadside play area has been created along one of the roads. It provides an open and accessible playground for children
  • URBAN PLAY ELEMENTS The elements in the play area are designed to engage children while being low-maintenance. Simple mounds and poles provide a flexible play space.
  • SAFE SIDEWALK The sidewalk is well-protected from the vehicular lane by a wide multi-purpose green area.
  • NO-BARRIER DISTRICT There are no barriers and the homes feature a small open front yard with a plant patch. This helps improve the sense of community.

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