Public square with seating nooks
by ANMA in Lille, France
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Data Info
Author ANMA
City Lille
Country France
Program Secteur Faubourg d’Arras

    -PUBLIC SQUARE The large public square is lined with trees at the edges.Seating is provided near intersections and edges. The square is left open , making it ideal for play or for local events.

  • SHARED STREET The road along the square is treated with pavement to indicate pedestrian priority. The square can be accessed at various points from this street.
  • ACCESSIBLE KERB The street corner is flush with the road allowing for easy movement of soft mobility such as bicycles.
  • LIGHT PAVEMENT The pavement of the square is light-coloured. It increases reflectivity and reduces heat-island effect.
  • SEATING NOOKS Built-in benches as well as street furniture is placed near green areas. They are well-shaded by the trees planted.

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