Pedestrian-friendly street with outdoor workspaces
by HENNING LARSEN in Shenzhen, China
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Data Info
City Shenzhen
Country China
Program Shenzhen Bay Headquarters City

    -AFFORESTATION 10,000 trees will be planted to provide thermal comfort through their cooling effect.They will also serve as habitats for local wildlife.

  • AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES The design proposes circulation with pedestrian priority. Vehicular roads will accomodate future transport like driverless vehicles.
  • WORK FROM STREET In the theme of encouraging a shared economy, various types of co-working spaces have been proposed including outdoor workspaces in the street.
  • OUTDOOR MUSEUM 5-8% of the area will be dedicated to cultural spaces. Art and cultural installations will be integrated into the public realm.
  • ACCESSIBLE ROOFTOPS Rooftops of podiums provide semi-private areas for social interaction . They have been planted with greenery.

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