Pedestrian Plaza with water features
by No author in Sydney, Australia
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Author No author
City Sydney
Country Australia
Program No program
    -WATERSIDE SEATING Low linear built-in seating allows visitors to recline and enjoy the water fountain -WATER FOUNTAIN Linear water feature with fountains.It ties in with the harbour ambience while also providing a cooling effect -WATER PLAY AREAS An area where visitors can play with the water and dip their toes to cool off has been provided at one end -MODERN STREET SEATING Unique street seating design provided along the edges of the plaza. -PEDESTRIAN PLAZA A large pedestrian plaza has been designed around the harbour. Lines of trees have been provided along the edges for shade . The wide plaza acts as a venue for street side events as well. -MULTI-LEVEL PROMENADE A promenade with ramps, staircases and outdoor balconies has been designed along the buildings. It faces the plaza
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