Officers Field
by HTA DESIGNS in Dorset, UK
Details   Views:  93
Data Info
City Dorset
Country UK
Year 2012
Program Residential development
Technical Info
Site area 20000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 77
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    Urban Design and Masterplan 


  • 77 homes with 2, 3, and 4-bedroom configurations, including 24 affordable homes.
  • The site includes an awkward-shaped, dramatically sloping terrain, composed of a triangular and rectangular field connected at one corner.
  • A new public square is integrated into the design, and each home has access to private and shared open spaces.
  • The development offers a modern take on traditional family homes, with homes arranged in terraced, semi-detached, and detached types.
  • The homes were leased for the 2012 Olympic Games, used as accommodation for the Olympic and Paralympic Sailing Village until September 2012.

    Sustainability Features


  • Biomass heating is used across all homes, contributing to the site's goal of generating 50% of its energy from renewable sources.
  • Half of the homes are connected to a mini-district heating system, while larger detached houses have individual biomass boilers.
  • All homes are designed to accommodate solar PV and solar hot water systems in the future, allowing residents to integrate renewable energy easily.
  • Water-saving sanitary fittings and the option for rainwater harvesting are included, along with smart energy meters.
  • Rainwater harvesting systems are fitted in all private homes, reducing mains water usage by over 50%.
  • A carpool with two electric cars is available to residents, discouraging second-car usage and promoting sustainable transport.
  • Every house includes a bicycle shed, encouraging cycling as an alternative form of transport.

    Architecture and Layout


  • The homes are built using locally sourced Portland stone.
  • The design maximizes the challenging topography of the site, with homes offering views towards Chesil Beach and the National Sailing Centre in Portland.
  • Houses incorporate earth-retaining walls into their structure, cost-effectively supporting the terrain while minimizing windowless walls. These walls are often used for garages and utility cupboards.
  • The homes feature high-performance windows suited to the coastal location, and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery systems are in place to optimize energy efficiency.
  • The target build cost was £100/ft², emphasizing affordability in construction.

    Sustainability Technologies


  • Wood pellet stoves are used to heat all homes, providing a cost-effective renewable energy solution.
  • Most homes are designed with south-facing roofs to allow for future solar renewable installations.
  • The development includes rainwater harvesting systems in all private homes, significantly reducing reliance on mains water by collecting rainwater for uses like flushing WCs, supplying outside taps, and feeding washing machines.

    Social and Community Aspects


  • The site integrates private and shared open spaces.
  • The public square acts as a communal hub.
  • The development includes affordable housing.

    Environmental Impact


  • The site’s biomass heating, wood pellet stoves, and rainwater harvesting systems emphasize environmental sustainability.
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