Waterfront Promenade with cycle parklets
by COBE, SLETH, POLYFORM in Copenhagen, Denmark
Details   Views:  55
Data Info
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Program Nordhavnen

    -SEA-VIEW PROMENADE Wide pedestrian promenade with a view of the sea, attracts many visitors who travel using soft mobility options such as bicycles, cargo bikes and e-scooters

  • PUBLIC SEATING Public seating as part of the private building’s structure
  • SOFT BARRIER Planters are used as soft barriers between the private patio and public promenade, creating a sense of openess and community
  • HUMAN-SCALED STREETLIGHTING Human-scaled street lighting creates a safe and ambient streetscape during the night as well
  • LOCAL FLORA Local flora is featured in the landscape of the street creating a sustainable ecosystem
  • CYCLE STAND PARKLET Public cycle stands are provided along the promenade creating a hassle-free destination for cyclists

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