Pedestrian Alley in a low-cost housing district
by PETER LAND in Lima, Peru
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City Lima
Country Peru
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    -PEDESTRIAN ALLEY A series of open spaces branch out into a network of pedestrian paths. Vehicular circulation is restricted to perimeters of the district.

  • HIGH DENSITY LOW-RISE Human-scale is maintained in this dense low-cost housing district.
  • EYES ON THE STREET The close-knit building layout and pedestrian environment has proved to be successful in creating a safe and lively neighbourhood.
  • COLLECTIVE LANDSCAPE The area’s neighbourhood landscape plan made in 1973 details out small plazas and gardens amidst the dense housing. These spaces remain today with maintenance by residents.
  • PARTICIPATORY STREETSCAPE Originally, the pavement consisted of concrete blocks laid on sand. Residents who wished to plant gardens could remove a block and use the space as a plant bed.

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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