Kid-friendly schoolyard with climate adaptation
by CAUE OF PARIS in Paris, France
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City Paris
Country France
Program Brèche aux Loups Elementary School

    -DYNAMIC PLAY AREA Areas for active play have elements like stepping logs and a wooden platform around the trees.

  • MATERIALITY OF FLOOR Permeable paving around the trees allows for water infiltration. Wood chip ground is a softer material hence it is provided in the active play area.
  • CLIMATE ADAPTATION The schoolyards have been redesigned to reduce heat island effect. Permeable paving materials and trees have been added.
  • QUIET PLAY AREA A quiet space for interacting, includes a cabin and outdoor chalkboard.
  • WOODEN SEATING Wooden seating in various forms such as log tables and seats , wooden bench seating around trees can be seen.The seating variation provides for different group sizes or individuals

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