The Malings
by ASH SAKULA in Newcastle, UK
Details   Views:  68
Data Info
City Newcastle
Country UK
Year 2015
Program Residential quarter
Technical Info
Site area 7548 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 76
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    Design and Place-Making:‎ ‎

  • Waterside neighborhood with 76 homes in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.‎ ‎
  • Co-designed with local residents, emphasizing place-making.‎ ‎
  • New streets follow the contours of the valley towards the river, connecting with surrounding ‎neighborhoods.‎ ‎
  • Architectural Innovation:‎ ‎

  • Avoids typical apartment block typologies.‎ ‎
  • Features houses and streets with varying characters.‎ ‎
  • Syncopated architecture with locally made brick walls and windows.‎ ‎
  • Curved design elements harmonize with the landscape.‎ ‎
  • Residential Typologies:‎ ‎

    Town Houses:‎ ‎

  • Generally three stories with living spaces on the ground floor.‎ ‎
  • Varied outdoor spaces, including small gardens or roof terraces.‎ ‎
  • Tyneside Flats:‎ ‎

  • Four stories with stacked duplex apartments.‎ ‎
  • Each flat has its front door, with the lower flat having a garden and the upper flat a terrace.‎ 
  • Courtyard Flats:‎ ‎

  • Four stories with 1-bedroom flats on lower floors and larger duplex apartments above.‎ ‎
  • Homes centered on a widening courtyard, providing outdoor space.‎ ‎
  • Tower Houses:‎ ‎

  • Four or five-story detached homes with varied configurations.‎ ‎
  • Feature open-plan ground floors, bedroom floors, and roof terraces.‎
  • Podium Homes:‎ ‎

  • Three or four stories built over undercroft car parks.‎ ‎
  • Includes 1-bedroom flats with garden terraces and larger apartments with roof terraces.‎ ‎
  • Conservation and Contextual Considerations:‎ ‎

  • Located in the Lower Ouseburn Valley Conservation Area.‎ ‎
  • Respond to conservation needs, incorporating surrounding historical features.‎ ‎
  • Aims to contribute to the evolving character of the Ouseburn Valley.‎ ‎
  • Planning and Sustainability:‎ 

  • Aimed at achieving high levels of environmental sustainability.‎ ‎
  • Code for Sustainable Homes level 4 targeted, with a focus on Lifetime Homes criteria.‎ 
  • Emphasis on health, happiness, and wellbeing, aligning with Igloo’s Footprint SI policy.‎ ‎
  • Concept Design and Layout:‎ 

  • Terraced streets run along contours, creating a unique layout.‎ ‎
  • Emphasis on community gathering spaces and mixed-use areas.‎ 
  • Variety in-house designs, avoiding repetition for distinctiveness.‎ ‎
  • Proposed construction techniques include PassiveHaus standard insulation with timber-paneled inner skin ‎and brick outer skin.‎
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