Helsinge Haveby (Helsinge Garden City)
by EFFEKT in Helsinge, Denmark
Details   Views:  80
Data Info
City Helsinge
Country Denmark
Year 2016
Program Eco-village
Technical Info
Site area 700000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    - Vision and Master Plan: - A new residential enclave 55 minutes north of Copenhagen, Denmark. - Traditional agriculture fields transformed into wetlands, meadows, orchards, and agroforestry. - Aims to provide residents with a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle within commuting distance from Copenhagen. - A new train station connecting to Copenhagen. A bridge connecting the new neighborhood with the city of Helsinge. - Varied recreational activities along open spaces and paths. - Diverse natural surroundings such as forest gardens, fruit gardens, kitchen gardens, and high biodiversity. - Rich eco-system supporting self-sufficiency. - Three Main Themes: - Robust Natural Environment: Focused on biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems. - Community: Emphasis on fostering a strong sense of community. - Affordable Lifestyle: Strives to offer an affordable yet high-quality living environment. - Clustered Living and Integrated Food Production: - Traditional detached houses are replaced by social clusters integrated into the natural landscape. - The majority of land is shared among residents, enabling larger managed food production. - Aims to integrate residential development, decentralized energy production, and local organic food production for self-sufficiency. - Proximity to food production to eliminate waste and reduce energy consumption. - Identity and Sense of Community: - The settlement is structured in clusters with common spaces, creating a sustainable way of living. - A centrally located food hub serves as a driver and meeting point for both locals and visitors. - Clusters vary in form, materiality, size, and types of ownership, creating diverse and socially inclusive neighborhoods. - Modeled after old Danish villages, structured around commons, ponds, or squares.

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