Pierre Alviset College
by CAUE OF PARIS in Paris, France
Details   Views:  29
Data Info
City Paris
Country France
Year 2020
Program Middle School
Technical Info
Site area 1219 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • It is a L-shaped courtyard located between busy streets.
  • The transformation involved increasing the biodiversity through different types of vegetation along with multiple types of seating.
  • The awnings and windows of the existing school building has been painted with a distinct red color. This has continued in the courtyard as well with the inclusion of red elements.
  • The red colour provides a unique identity to the space.
  • Rainwater is harvested by means of collection tanks located in the basement.
  • The hardscape was replaced with a cream asphalt. The slope of the yard directs rainwater to the planting areas.
  • Trees have been strategically placed near sunny areas to provide shade,
  • An attempt has been made to integrate vegetation with activity and recreational areas. Benches have been provided near vegetation.
  • The 100 metre running track loops around the yard like a red ribbon. It unifies the space.
  • Stepped custom-made seating acts as a multi-purpose space. It is used for outdoor classroom sessions, relaxation or as a reading area,
  • The existing storage room and garage have been replaced with an airy glass lean to roof. It opens out the courtyard and is being used as an outdoor locker room.
  • Tables with a chessboard have been provided in the shaded areas.
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