Providence Elementary School
by CAUE OF PARIS in Paris, France
Details   Views:  21
Data Info
City Paris
Country France
Year 2021
Program Elementary School
Technical Info
Site area 665 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • A large portion of the ground surfaces has been finished with natural materials like wood chips, sand, soil and mulch.
  • A large tree is located at the heart of The courtyard. It is The center of activity. It has a large play structure around it.
  • The area along the school building wall is designed as a quiet area with benches and wicker huts.
  • At one edge of the yard there is a sandbox with a climbing wall and balance logs.
  • The light asphalt area is for ball games and sports. Stepped seating has been provided at The edges for spectators.
  • There is a winding path that crosses all The planted areas forming a nature trail for The students to walk through.
  • The vegetation has been integrated into The activity areas.
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