XZero City
by URB DUBAI in Kuwait, Kuwait
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Data Info
City Kuwait
Country Kuwait
Year 2022
Program New City
Technical Info
Site area 16000000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 100000 inh/ha
Home Units: 30000
Jobs 30000
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 1 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • The 1,600 hectare development is planned for the southern region of Kuwait to provide 30,000 residential units, as well as 30,000 green jobs, which will be created in various hubs such as medical, tourism, technology, educational, retail & entertainment.
  • Edutainment attractions such as the utility park & nature conservation center will transform the city into a unique visitor attraction.
  • The green-tech hub will promote a collaborative innovative environment in food, energy, water and waste tech.
  • The medical hub will feature an autism village, wellness center & clinics.
  • The educational hub will feature a nursery, school & an institute.
  • Commercial hub will include indoor mall & flexible office spaces.
  • XZERO is planned with multi-functional holistic solutions that address the three key pillars of sustainability; social, economic & environmental.”
  • The landscape is integrated with wadis to enhance resilience & livability whilst also promoting variation of habitats for wildlife. The Wadi plays a crucial role in stormwater management as both a retention and infiltration system. This open channel is planned at the heart of the project, with the topography engineered to allow for runoff to be collected by the arteries which also features WSUD. The topography allows for the runoff to be directed naturally to the wadi. These holistic integrated natural systems provide for flow conveyance, sedimentation, infiltration and evapo-transpiration.
  • The landscape is also productive, incorporating many different urban farming methods such as community gardens, bio domes, aquaponics, vertical farms & biosaline agriculture.
  • The city provides 35km of dedicated running and cycling tracks as well as a 9km of equestrian track which connects to the equestrian center.
  • Smart self sufficient city: 100% renewable energy, 100% water recycling, Zero-waste city
  • ore than 65% of the land area is dedicated to open spaces, such as productive landscapes, non-productive landscapes, permeable pavements, sports fields, courtyards etc.
  • As an edgeless city surrounded by a buffer of nature reserve and with hospitality components such as a 5 star Eco resort and eco lodges as well as a nature conservation center and an ecotourism visitor center, XZERO will become a unique destination for travelers.
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