Heritage Street with pedestrian zone
by FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN BøTTGER in Copenhagen, Denmark
Details   Views:  116
Data Info
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Program Kartoffelraekkerne

    -HERITAGE STREET The residential street is lined with historical Danish rowhouses. The front yards have short fences with dense vegetation.

  • CHILD-FRIENDLY The street is not a through-way for vehicles, with the center being reserved for use by the residents. It serves as a safe space for play or gatherings
  • SEMI-PEDESTRIAN STREET The narrow street is semi-pedestrian, with allotted parking spaces for residents, to ensure space for pedestrians.
  • WATER CHANNEL Paved water channels are provided along the sides of the road for water infiltration
  • GREENERY Short trees have been planted in the pedestrian zone to provide shade and act as a barrier for vehicles

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