Pedestrian Plaza designed by Le Corbusier
by LE CORBUSIER in Chandigarh, India
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City Chandigarh
Country India
Program Chandigarh

    -DESIGNED BY LE CORBUSIER The plaza at Sector 17 was a part of Le Corbusier’s larger Chandigarh Masterplan in India. The modernist concrete plaza with brutalist undertones shows evident signs of Corbusier’s design principles

  • WATER FOUNTAIN AS FOCAL POINT The wide plaza is planned with focal water-based elements such as this cascading water fountain.These European style plaza elements were new to the Indian streetscape at the time of their construction.
  • SHOPPING ARCADE The ground floors of the building have been designed with shops opening out to a shaded arcade , creating a comfortable environment for visitors.
  • TREE GROVES Clumps of tree groves are scattered across the plaza.They provide much needed shaded areas for visitors amidst the heat during summers.

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