Shared blue-green street along a lake
by DRESEITL,RAMBOLL,EBLE in Stuttgart, Germany
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Data Info
City Stuttgart
Country Germany
Program Arkadien Winnenden

    -BLUE-GREEN STREET The permeable road along with soil patches helps in water infiltration. Shallow water channels enable water flow towards the central lake

  • SHARED STREET The streets are for vehicles and pedestrians. The use of narrow widths and paver material ensures pedestrian priority.
  • SOCIAL STREET Low-rise buildings arranged as a compact district with various outdoor spaces helps encourage the sense of community.
  • CENTRAL LAKE A central rainwater basin collects the run-off from the various streets. The water is then released to a nearby eco-restored stream after undergoing natural filtering processes.
  • RECYCLED MATERIAL Recycled German granite and existing concrete on site were broken into pieces and used as paving material
  • NATIVE SPECIES Native species of plants have been planted creating habitats for local wildlife.

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