Green pedestrian square in Brussels
by MS-A, YVES LION in Brussels, Belgium
Details   Views:  22
Data Info
City Brussels
Country Belgium
Program Tour and Taxis

    -PEDESTRIAN PATH The pedestrian path is lined with outdoor flooring, with gaps for water infiltration. It is lined with short trees which provide shade.

  • LAYERED LIGHTING Different types of outdoor lighting such as street lights at various heights, landscape lights provide a layered lighting scheme that is functional yet ambient
  • GREEN SQUARE A large pedestrian square with pedestrian paths and seating , provides a structured public space for the area.
  • ACTIVATED GROUND FLOOR The ground floors have been treated with glass shopfronts and restaraunts to create a lively urban floor.
  • GREEN COURTYARD The main path branches off into green courtyards located between the buildings. They provide quieter,shaded areas for interaction

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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