Pedestrian-friendly street in Bauhaus style
by ALBERT SPEER+PARTNER in Anting, China
Details   Views:  34
Data Info
City Anting
Country China
Program Anting New Town

    -GERMAN THEMED TOWNSHIP This township was part of a larger Chinese urban program, The program undertook development of European inspired townships in China. This street is located in a German themed township.

  • PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY The streets were designed with pedestrian priority. The European style of tree lined avenues has been emulated. Parking is planned underground.
  • PUBLIC SEATING Public seating is provided along the length of the street, reinforcing the idea of public space.
  • GROUND FLOOR ARCADE Ground floor is higher than other floors and is designed as an arcade.
  • BAUHAUS STYLE The buildings are of Bauhaus style. They have minimal ornamentation. They are planned as multi-functional perimeter blocks.

Interactive map
The street is a part of this masterplan
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