Walkable Transit Corridor with median tram line
by BLP & ASSOCIéS in Bordeaux, France
Details   Views:  18
Data Info
City Bordeaux
Country France
Program Ginko

    -TRANSIT CORRIDOR The street has a tram line running at the center with vehicular road and sidewalks on either side

  • MEDIAN PUBLIC TRANSIT LANE & STATION The tram line placed centrally minimises conflict with the local traffic. The station is provided with shelter and seating in the boarding area.
  • PEDESTRIAN CROSSING The tram line is lined with wooden planks to enable pedestrians to cross as well as enter the tram station. Bollards and tactile floor markings increase pedestrian safety
  • FIRST-MILE CONNECTIVITY Public cycle stands are provided along the sidewalks. Being located near the tram , these can enable people to commute to the tram via cycle.
  • ACTIVATED GROUND FLOOR The ground floors of the building have shopfronts and accomodate commercial activities

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