Safe street with linear green park
by APAKA in Warsaw, Mokotow, Poland
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Data Info
Author APAKA
City Warsaw, Mokotow
Country Poland
Program Eko Park

    -LIVING IN A PARK A 20m wide linear park seperates the residential blocks from the main road and creates the feeling of living in a park

  • FACADE VARIATION The facades of the various blocks are treated with different materials creating an interesting streetscape
  • TRAFFIC CALMING The development is planned with roads that are narrow, to ensure slow traffic, thus creating a safer environment for pedestrians.
  • MATERIALITY A change in material from asphalt to pavers at the pedestrian crossings as well as the side residential street, indicates to vehicle drivers to be aware of pedestrian activity
  • PROTECTED KERB CORNER The kerb corner features a hedge , which protects pedestrians from turning vehicles. A kerb cut is provided on either side, for pedestrians to cross

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