Pedestrian promenade with water channel
by DE ARCHITEKTEN CIE in Enschede, The Netherlands
Details   Views:  35
Data Info
City Enschede
Country The Netherlands
Program Roombeek

    -PEDESTRIAN PROMENADE Wide sidewalks with an active ground floor creates an attractive promenade. It is well protected by the water channel . Sutainable mobility like e-scooter & e-bikes are also seen

  • ACTIVE GROUND FLOOR Ground floor is recessed and features glass shopfronts. A simple colonnade is created for movement
  • WATER FEATURE Water feature runs across the length of the road and features stepping stones
  • MATERIALITY Different surface finishes help in demarcating different lanes and zones in the street
  • NATURE WALK Waterfront seating with shade trees creates an ambient streetscape
  • DEDICATED CYCLE LANE Seperate cycle lanes are provided on both sides of the street
  • CYCLIST FRIENDLY A large portion of the street is paved and is flush with the road. This creates a seamless connected network for cyclists and other soft mobility users

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