Sant Narcis
by IGNASI BOSCH I REITG in Girona, Spain
Details   Views:  160
Data Info
City Girona
Country Spain
Year 1948
Program Residential Neighbourhood
Technical Info
Site area 250000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 512
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    Historical Context and Design Principles


  • Sant Narcis is a historical residential neighborhood designed by Ignasi Bosch i Reitg.
  • The design was influenced by German Siedlung housing in Berlin, part of the building reforms movement aimed at establishing new hygienic social standards and creating affordable housing.
  • It is also influenced by the Garden City model.

    Layout and Grids


  • The neighborhood features two types of grids:
  • The central area, with a semi-circular layout around the main public square and church, serves as the nucleus.
  • The surrounding residential streets follow an orthogonal pattern.

    Housing Typologies


  • Designed with diverse housing typologies to encourage a heterogeneous population. The main types include:
  • Flats
  • Worker/artisan houses
  • Affluent houses
  • Most residences are low-rise single-family homes, with a few apartment blocks of 3-4 stories in between.

    Green Spaces and Garden City Influence


  • In line with the Garden City model, the neighborhood includes abundant open green spaces intended to improve residents' well-being and bring in a rural setting in the neighborhood.
  • Each single-family home is provided with a front garden, and the narrow streets are lined with greenery.

    Central Square and Architectural Features


  • The central porticoed square, Assumption Square, is located at the heart of the neighborhood.
  • Timbrel vaults, a common architectural element developed by Ignasi Bosch, are featured throughout. These lighter double curvature vaults made the buildings more economical due to reduced structural loads.
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