Carslberg Byen
by CF MOLLER in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Data Info
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Year 2015
Program Residential development
Technical Info
Site area 320000 sqm
Gfa 600000 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • It is a mixed-use district that is the result of a regeneration of a former brewery estate.
  • The site was formerly used by Danish company Carlsberg for its brewery. Due to increased urbanization in the surroundings and logistical restrictions the operations were shifted to a rural area, leaving the site to be redeveloped.
  • The masterplan of the area was selected based on a architecture competition conducted. The main themes of the plan were to be that of the Carlsberg brand- popular, festive and vibrant.
  • The district is to have a dense low-rise structure.
  • The masterplan took inspiration from the layout of the existing network of underground wine cellars in the site and projected them above ground.
  • This resulted in an irregular network of interconnected public spaces and buildings with many squares , avenues and lanes.
  • The development aims to maintain a classic town feel to the region and rejects the idea of modernism and uniformity in its design.
  • Through a mix of residential areas and a strong active retail experience the area is planned as a 24/7 neighborhood.
  • It is walkable with spatial experiences , art and water features designed in the urban realm,
  • The existing brick buildings will be preserved and reused as cultural institutions. The new buildings will follow a similar design language as the existing historical buildings.
  • Water is used as a common element in urban spaces.
  • The area is planned to have 25 urban spaces and gardens.
  • 9 high rise buildings are planned at various locations. They would mark important areas and public spaces , acting as landmarks for the district.
  • The ground floor of the entire district would be primarily retail , opening onto public spaces. This would create a lively streetscape.Facades of buildings would be designed to generate interest at the ground level.
  • The district aims to be CO2 neutral with its electricity and heat generation , when fully developed.
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