by No author in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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Data Info
Author No author
City Rotterdam
Country The Netherlands
Year 1977
Program New Town
Technical Info
Site area 19270000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 73000 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • It is a New Town that was developed as a spillover region during the rapid urbanization of Rotterdam.
  • The town was earmarked as a “growth town” by the local government(in the 1970’s) due to its proximity to Rotterdam and in anticipation of its rising expansion. 16500 dwellings were planned to be built in a period of 15 years to reduce housing shortages in the region.
  • The Rotterdam metro line was extended to Spijkenisse, to connect it to the capital city. The density of the area would be concentrated near the stations.
  • It was planned as a low-rise yet high density compact neighborhood. There would not be any high-rise buildings.
  • Single family homes with private gardens were built by the government as social housing. They were the primary housing typology.
  • Similar planning principles were employed in the 1980’s albeit with a looming economic crisis. Homes were smaller and low-tech strategies like smaller windows intended to cut heating costs.
  • During the 1970-1980 period , the region maintained its low-rise compact nature. Priority was given for cycling and pedestrian paths. Homes were connected by squares and parks.
  • However, over time the town has lost identity due to its homogenous architectural character and weak town center. The rapid housing scheme led to fast construction but with poor building materials, leading to deterioration of houses.
  • Currently the local municipality is revitalizing the town center with cultural and civic buildings like a new theater and library. They act as landmarks and improve the identity of the region.
  • An effort is being made to introduce varied housing typologies such as apartment towers to accommodate the diverse population.
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