Anting New Town
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Data Info
City Shnaghai
Country China
Year 2001
Program New Town
Technical Info
Site area 11000000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 50000 inh/ha
Home Units: 1000
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • -Anting New Town is a German-themed neighborhood in Shanghai.
  • It was built as part of the “One City, Nine Towns” initiative by the local government.The initiative aims to move away from the traditional central city model into a polycentric model. The program proposes one larger city complemented by nine “new towns”.Anting would be one of the nine new towns.
  • New Towns is a concept of building new well-planned greenfield cities that would address the problems encountered in existing cities such as congestion,urban sprawl etc.
  • The buildings would have a German aesthetic, particularly the Bauhaus style(absence of ornamentation, union of art,industrial design and functional aspects).
  • The development was to be developed as a prototype for sustainable development by utilizing German environmental technology, high quality standards and efficient use of resources.
  • The town consists of perimeter blocks that were multifunctional.
  • There would be a mixed-use center for commercial activities complemented by neighborhood squares.
  • There would be pedestrian friendly streets.
  • The building heights would be highest (5 storeys) along the main roads and would reduce near residential areas and the edges(3-4 storeys).This was meant to maintain humanscale in the neighborhood.
  • The Shanghai Automobile City would also be located in the town.It was to be a hub for automobile trading and manufacturing in the region.There was to be a Formula 1 circuit as an attraction.
  • However, currently the town has become a “ghost town” with very few residents. Problems in construction(poor quality materials, cracked structures), improper orientation with respect to local tradition(feng shui) are some of the reasons for the town’s decline. Many of the sustainable features could not be implemented.
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