AlmenBolig+ Grønttorvet
by VANDKUNSTEN in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Details   Views:  152
Data Info
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Year 2019
Program Sustainable Social Housing
Technical Info
Site area 6450 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 49
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    - Architectural Innovation: - Developed as an architectural tool to enhance living quality and neighborhood life. - Moves away from uniform box architecture, offering varied living modules for enhanced aesthetic appeal. - Basic House Module with a depth of 11 meters on the ground floor, optimizing flexibility in home layout. - Selected for minimal long-term maintenance expenses and aesthetic appeal, featuring black wood and brick shingles. - Social Housing Model: - Aims to provide quality homes for ordinary-income individuals like nurses and teachers. - Cuts administration and maintenance costs, enabling the use of higher-quality materials within the construction budget. - Vandkunsten's AlmenBolig+5 concept not only redefines social housing but also introduces groundbreaking architectural and functional solutions for the residents. - Technical and Architectural Refinement: - Vandkunsten's success in winning framework agreements 2, 3, and 4, refining the concept with each project. - A comprehensive architectural expression that introduces a contemporary architectural interpretation, addressing both macro and micro design elements. - Innovative Interior Solutions: - Addresses the eternal storage problem by incorporating the staircase into a functional furniture wall. - Enhances utility value and spatial quality, providing innovative solutions for interior space.

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