Vanke Tianfu Cloud City
by AEDAS in Chengdu, China
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Data Info
Author AEDAS
City Chengdu
Country China
Year 2019
Program Mixed Use Development
Technical Info
Site area 132000 sqm
Gfa 375200 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • Vanke Tianfu Cloud City is an upcoming mixed-use development located in the Tianfu New Developmental Zone facing the Xinglong Lake.
  • This project is one of many transit-oriented projects occurring in the Tianfu New Area.
  • The project has incorporated varied programmes such as eco-offices, retail, apartments, SOHO towers and hotels.
  • The project is split across 4 urban plots which are connected by a prominent green axis.
  • The green axis is part of the “river valley” concept proposed by the designers. It extends from the lakeside into the city.
  • The green axis connects the various buildings at the underground level and acts as a public green park for the project.
  • The skyline of the project is high-rise in the middle and the buildings become low-rise towards the lakeside and residential area at either end.
  • The project aims to act as a “nest” for potential innovators and companies, which is visually reinforced by the easily identifiable high-rise office towers.
  • Programmes such as marketplace and clubhouses are towards the south, in proximity to the adjacent residential district.
  • Various office buildings have been positioned towards the lakeside.
  • Retail and exhibitions are towards the center and are integrated into the green axis. The retail programme would be diverse and would also be underground in some parts.
  • The project has followed the “garden city” concept which was proposed for the upcoming development occurring around the Xinglong Lake.
  • While the green axis forms the primary green space of the development, the design incorporates greenery at multiple levels in the buildings as well.
  • These greenery elements include terraced facades, green balconies to facilitate social interactions, green roofs and sky gardens.
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